Since 2007, the American Psychological Association has been conducting surveys annually to determine how stress is impacting people's lives. These surveys have been identifying the undeniable link between stress, and its impact on the physical and emotional health of individuals. The 2015 report indicates that stress is causing people to pay with their health.
Since the first survey in 2007, stress related to money has continually placed top spot nationwide. In fact, 72% of people express concerns about money at least some of the time, and 26% state they have concerns about money most or all of the time!
The next big stressor is related to work, followed then by stress due to family responsibilities, and lastly concerns about one's own health.
Stress is most prevalent in parents, the younger generation, and those living with household incomes of less than $50,000 annually.
Although the reports illustrate that it appears stress may be starting to trend downwards, it also indicates that the majority of people consider their stress levels to be unhealthy for optimal health and wellness of their minds and bodies.
And when stress remains chronic in people's lives, this is where burnout becomes a real concern. Burnout does appear to be on the rise, perhaps because it is now being recognized more. Burnout is a thief that steals your energy and your enjoyment in life. Everyday life becomes a struggle, and it becomes difficult just to get through a day. Lack of motivation, cynicism, and withdrawal and isolation from others creeps into your life. This results in impaired relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, poor job performance, and overall loss of happiness.
Take a look at the graph below illustrating how many global searches are done for keywords that include "burnout" in them every month.
This is where you come in. You can help provide education and help for those people suffering from burnout by giving them the tools to recognize it and then to get better by making some specific lifestyle changes. Specific focus is given to healing the body from the inside out, including healing the adrenal glands that have been overworked due to the chronic stress. Keep reading below to find out everything you get to do this!
Here is a summary of what you get in this Brand New, Never-Been-Sold-Before
Burnout PLR Pack:
This PLR ebook has been professionally written.
Above cover available in PSD (editable), & PNG formats
Here is What the Ebook Includes:
Chapter 1: The First Step: Finding Out if your Physician Finds Something Wrong with You
Chapter 2: "You are Normal" - What's Next?
Chapter 3: From Stress to Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue
Chapter 4: Improving your Sleep - One Way to Heal Burnout
Chapter 5: Diet & Its Role in Treating Burnout to Get your Energy Back
Chapter 6: Food Sensitivities & Intolerances & Their Relation to Burnout
Chapter 7: Toxic Products in Your Environment
Chapter 8: Stress Management for Burnout
Chapter 9: Herbs and Supplements that Heal
BONUS: More Choice of Covers
Flat Covers also included, in an alternate color (see below).
Available in editable HTML with sales copy already in place and ready for use. Just add your links. It also has editable PSD files.
You also get a matching, editable HTML download page.
Available in DOC, TXT, & Professional PDF formats
Here is a screenshot of what the PDF's look like
Positive Self-Talk is just one treatment method discussed in the PLR ebook you get. Burnout involves chronic stress, often made worse by negative thinking patterns. These positive “Affirmations for My Life” help people recover from burnout related to stress by changing from negative to positive thoughts, and changing their perspective on situations.
Affirmations are great for use as part of an autoresponder series. Or, if you prefer, you could package a number of affirmations, and create a book that you sell or give away as an opt-in.
If you want, you can also use these affirmation messages as a lead-in to promote related products
Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT and DOC formats should you want to alter/edit them in any way
Each affirmation ranges from around 215 – 295 words, and includes three self-reflection questions to increase insight into one's thinking habits.
The Positive Affirmation Topics Include:
1. I am good at delegation.
2. I look for the good in all situations.
3. I respect what my body is telling me.
4. Not my circus, not my monkeys!
5. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Bonus: Collage (1500 px X 1500 px) made with the images
Use these desktop wallpapers to build your list as free giveaways, or as a bonus when combined in a package you create for sale. You can even use them to create videos or an app. Just use your imagination. These wallpapers can provide positive reminders all day long when you are on the road to recovery from chronic stress and burnout.
Available in 10 size resolutions
Here is a closer look at of one of the social media images. Note: Size depicted above and below is smaller than the actual files you will get. The watermark will also NOT be on the images when you purchase.
15 attractive images (5 image styles) optimized in size for Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter social sharing. All you have to do is brand them with your own website or company name, share them, and make them go viral.
You get 2 videos - "Adrenal Fatigue" & "Job Burnout Signs & Symptoms" - in Zipped mp4 formats. These short, approximately one-minute professional videos are great for use on your website or as teaser videos for video-streaming sites like You Tube or Vimeo. You can watch a quick "snippet" of the videos in the sales video found at the top of the page.
Space is left at the end of them so you can brand the end of them with your call-to-action or website name.
Many of these images are found in the ebook above, but they are provided separately in this folder, along with many others. Why waste your time searching for images when you don't need to? All the work has been done for you!
Use these images on your website, in your book, or in whatever manner you see fit, as long as all images are used in a respectful manner and do not depict anyone in them in a bad light.
All images are royalty-free and/or in the public domain.
Available in PNG and editable PPT. Below are screenshots. Actual sizes are 720 X 540 pixels.
"Keys to Recovering from Burnout" and
"Ways to Manage your Stress Due to Burnout"
Use these infographics on your blog or spread the message about burnout and stress by posting these infographics to Pinterest and other places. Just brand with them with your own business or website name, and then make them go viral.
NOTE: After your purchase, check your email inbox for a purchase receipt from JV Zoo as well as the one from "Kim Phoenix" entitled "Buy Health PLR - Your Product Order at BuyHealthPLR.com" for instructions on accessing your downloads.
She pays close attention to the little details and offers a variety of content in really useful formats, especially the PowerPoints, which are perfect for YouTube videos and webinars. I highly recommend you buy Kim’s content while you can… she’s the next rising star in the PLR world!
Ronnie Nijmeh of PLR.me
I just purchased your Migraine, Stress, and School Stress PLR packs. I learned about you from Ruth Pound. I knew I could trust you to have quality products when I saw you recommend PLR by Ronnie Nijmeh, Tiffany Lambert, and Nicole Dean. I have purchased from all three of them.
I can easily see you as becoming one of the go-to PLR people who have quality PLR.
Thank you for doing the webinar with Kelly McCausey. I have a time set up to talk with her in order to get my podcast launch going. I owe it all to you!!
Gwen Dempsey of OhBabyLifeCoaching.com
I bought Kim’s Migraine PLR Pack. Her PLR is gorgeous, suitable for handouts or opt-in offers with no editing required. Her checklists and charts are practical and raise the bar for what to include in PLR offerings. And to prove Kim’s understanding of her buyers, her books come as broken-up chapters, SO convenient for repurposing and for serializing in autoresponders. ”
Anita Hampl of The Short Attention Span Writer at AnitaHampl.com
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